Published Reports
AWWF Report 1: Women and the Future of Work

Impact: The AWWF Report 1, Women and the Future of Work (pdf, 3.6MB), has been picked up in international and national debates and policy processes. The Report captured the attention of government Ministers, bureaucrats and business leaders and has been cited in key public speeches.
AWWF Report 2: Australian Women’s Working Futures: Are We Ready?

Impact: The second tailored report, Australian Women’s Working Futures: Are We Ready? (pdf, 98kb) was selected following a competitive selection process – one of six papers chosen from 200 abstracts – by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The ILO also selected the study for presentation as part of the ILO Regional Conference on Gender and the Future of Work in the Asia Pacific.
Government Engagement
WGEA Insight Paper: The Future of Work and Gender

Impact: The WGEA Insight Paper, The Future of Work and Gender, is published on the Workplace Gender Equality Agency website. The paper critically reviews the discourse on the future of work and argues that a gendered lens is needed to fully understand the changing nature of work. We highlight three unique themes that emerge when we bring gender into the discussion.
Inquiry Submission: NSW Legislative Council Inquiry on the Future of Work

Impact: The AWWF team made a submission to the NSW Legislative Council’s Inquiry on the impact of technological and other change on the future of work and workers in New South Wales in August.
Peer-reviewed Publications
Hill, E., Baird, M., Vromen, A., Cooper, R., Meers, Z., & Probyn, E. (2019). Young women and men: Imagined futures of work and family formation in Australia. Journal of Sociology. 55(4):778-798.
Foley M, Williamson S, Mosseri S. (2020) Women, work and industrial relations in Australia in 2019. Journal of Industrial Relations. 62(3):365-379. doi: 10.1177/0022185620909402
Cooper, R., Mosseri, S., Vromen, A., Baird, M., Hill, E., Probyn, E. (2021). Gender Matters: A Multilevel Analysis of Gender and Voice at Work. British Journal of Management.