News and events

This impact research has been covered by Australia’s leading agenda-setting media platforms: the front page of the Sydney Morning Herald and Radio National breakfast program with Fran Kelly, along with many other radio and TV programs. This coverage reached an estimated audience of more than 5.7 million Australians according to the University of Sydney Media Office report. See a summary of the team’s public engagement activities and media coverage here.

Recent updates

In light of the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020 and its negative economic and labour market impacts, the AWWF team has addressed the effects of the crisis for specific worker groups. Rae Cooper spoke on the disproportionate effects of the pandemic for women as part of a Sydney Ideas panel, and with Sarah Mosseri, published op-eds on the topic in the Sydney Morning Herald and on the OECD Forum. Cooper and Mosseri also presented data on the gendered labour market effects of Covid-19 in invited panels with Unions NSW, Unions WA, the NSW Teachers’ Federation and the National Tertiary Education Union. Ariadne Vromen spoke about the effects of the pandemic on young people as part of a Policy Forum podcast, and she discussed what a University-led recovery in a post-Covid world might look like as part of the History of University Life series at the University of Sydney. Elizabeth Hill and Marian Baird, writing on the East Asia Forum, outline the impact of the pandemic-induced economic crisis on gender inequality in Asia.

Elizabeth Hill, Marian Baird and Suneha Seetahul also produced a series of reports on the effects of Covid-19 on workers in South East Asia as part of the Investing in Women (IW) initiative of the Australian Government. Hill and Baird conducted a rapid review of the literature on the Covid-19 crisis and women’s formal employment, particularly in IW countries. Hill, Baird and Seetahul then published three reports on the effects of Covid-19 for private sector workers in VietnamPhilippinesIndonesia and Myanmar.

In August 2020, the team made a submission to the NSW Legislative Council’s Inquiry into the future of work. Our submission can be accessed here.

In May 2020, the team published an Insights Paper on ‘Gender and the future of work‘ for the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA).

In April 2020, the team was awarded an Australian Research Council Linkage Project Grant in the amount of $470,501 to support an evidence-based project focused on designing gender equality into the future of work in retail and the law. The team is partnering with the Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association (SDA), the Law Society of New South Wales and the Women Lawyers Association of New South Wales.

On 3 July, 2019, Professor Rae Cooper spoke to a crowd of over 100 business professions on ‘Women and the future of work.’ Hear audio from her presentation here.

On 20 June, 2019, Professor Marian Baird and Associate Professor Elizabeth Hill spoke about findings from the AWWF project with Cassie McCullagh on ABC News Radio.

In 2018, the AWWF study was covered on the front page of The Sydney Morning Herald: